Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I should have known you guys were up to something when you came to visit! Thank you so much for my Easter bucket and card. I have the best family in the world! while I’m here I’m trying to figure out a way to freeze time so we could all just hang out for a while when I get home and nobody will be getting older and we won't miss work or a paycheck and we could have no worries. The closest I’ve gotten to my invention is the study of eternal life. The knowledge that I know I get the opportunity to be with my family forever. I have made so many wrong choices that I beat myself up for day in and day out, but because of Christ’s atonement and resurrection I know I have a second chance and a third chance and a fourth chance and an eternity of chances to make it right. And because of that I know I can be with my family forever and I’m so glad! I love you all very much! I miss you just the same! Happy Easter!

left questioning

Everyday I wonder the same question. For years and years, well it seems, but my mind is always changing. Every time I think I have finally figured it out. That I can finally stop asking and proceed to other questions and answers. The answers always change. A while back I though the answer to this question was charity, today it is humility. And yes that is my final answer along with all the other answers I have come up with so far and will come up with in later days.

What am I supposed to learn from this life? That is the question. Once you step 6 states out of your comfort zone you learn humility. And wow what a lesson that is. Ask my mom, but when I was a little girl I was always right. She would say I still am but it’s not true, I’m just right most of the time (I like to pretend) that’s why I’ve turned into such a quiet girl, the less I say the less I have to be right about. ;) Well right now I feel like my brain was scraped clean and I am learning all new things. Like how to plan meals and snacks and drinks for a family I’m just starting to get to know and hope they like the diet. It’s better not to look at their plates after dinner to see how much they ate. Just better not to know and hope they’ll like the next nights dinner. Have you ever heard of Maslow’s pyramid? Food is on the first level. They’ll eventually get so hungry that anything I fix they will like. This brings me to my next order of business. How do I answer questions like… who was the general … what battle and in what war … what color hair does his nephew have… and he owned how many acres in what city of what state…? I HAVE NO IDEA?? HELP! When I was in elementary school nobody told me I’d actually be quizzed on this stuff. When I become a teacher and somebody uses the most used question on me “when will we really use this in life?” I will tell them it is because there will be kids that will ask them those same questions and they are going to feel really dumb when they don’t know the answers. Now I wonder if that will really make them listen or not? If not their kids will teach them again later.

Life is our best teacher. Life never turns out how you want it to and even if it does it wasn’t quite how you pictured it. That’s just life’s way of teaching you just another lesson. Weather you learn it or not the lessons remain. I look forward and also dread my next lesson.